Company information

Contributing to World Peace through Publishing Language Teaching Materials ― Fostering Networks between People and Widening the Circles Through Which They Meet ―

Our company was established in 1973, and began by publishing Nihongo no Kiso (edited by the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship), a Japanese language textbook that was mainly aimed at technical trainees, and now, all these years later, thanks to the help and support of many people, we are celebrating our 51st year.

Over these years, in response to the changes in the society in which Japanese language education is conducted, as well as the demands of the times and actual needs on the ground in education, we have been planning and publishing various language teaching materials and books with a focus on “easiness of learning” and “easiness of teaching.” Among these, in particular, Minna no Nihongo series of textbooks has been widely adopted both inside and outside Japan as a general Japanese language textbook, both at the beginner and intermediate levels. Not only in developing new teaching materials but also when revising older materials, we are constantly in contact with local educational establishments, producing and providing materials that meet their new needs.

On top of the Japanese language materials presented in this book, we also produce language textbooks for Japanese learners of foreign languages, including books for those studying for the TOEIC® examination, and our Lesson series of textbooks which cover the study of various Asian and European languages.

Interest in Japan and the Japanese language is certainly spreading, and there are now people all over the world interested in Japanese culture and studying the Japanese language. At the same time, the number of Japanese learning foreign languages starting with English, interacting with people from various countries, and working to understand different cultures is increasing.

We hope that through the publication of teaching language materials and books that allow various types of interaction between people in a multicultural society, we can foster networks between people and broaden the circles through which people can meet, and thereby continue to contribute to world peace.

We would appreciate everyone’s further support and encouragement.

Masako Fujisaki President 3A Corporation

Company information

Name 3A Corporation
Establishment 28 July 1973
President Masako Fujisaki
Business Publishing
Address 2F, Trusty Kojimachi Bldg.
4, Kojimachi 3-Chome
Tokyo 102-0083

A Brief History

Company established as AOTS Chosakai
Nihongo no Kiso I (Main Text & Translation) published
Nihongo no Kiso II (Main Text & Translation) published
Organizing of training for overseas trainees in Japan started
Name changed to 3A Corporation (3A Network in Japanese)
Shin Nihongo no Kiso I (Main Text & Translation) published
Shin Nihongo no Kiso I (Main Text & Translation) published
The AOTS Dictionary for Practice Use published
Nihongo Chukyu J301 published
Ja-Net, a quarterly Japanese language information bulletin, begins circulation
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I & II published
Nihongo Chukyu J501 published
Shokyu o Oshieru Hito no Tame no Nihongo Bunpo Handobukku and Shin Nihongo no Chukyu (Main Text and Translation) published
Nihongo Bunpo Enshu and Chujokyu o Oshieru Hito no Tame no Nihongo Bunpo Handobukku published
Kodomo no Nihongo published
Revised edition of Kankokugo Ressun I & II published
Six-volumed Koza - Nihongo Kyoikugaku published
Three-volumed Kihon ni Kaeru Eigo no Hon published
Minna no Nihongo Chukyu I and Nihongo Shokyu Daichi published
Three-volumed Kiwamero! TOEIC® TEST published
Four-volumed Tokimakure! TOEIC® TEST published
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Second Edition published
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu II Second Edition published
Minna no Nihongo Chukyu II Oshiekata no Tebiki published
Seven-volumed Nihongo Kyoiku Sosho 'Tsukuru' published
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I & II Second Edition DVDs released and Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I & II Second Edition Oshiekata no Tebiki and Nihongo Chukyu J301 Revised Edition published
Hajimete Manabu Kaigo no Nihongo and Shosetsu Mira-san published and Shosetsu Mira-san eBook released
Company's 45th anniversary and seminar held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Minna no Nihongo's publication
Kiwamero! TOEFL iBT® TEST and Chugakusei no Nihongo published
JLPT Chokai N3 Pointo & Purakutisu published
Genba no Nihongo Kisohen Hataraku Gaikokujin no Tame no Nihongo Komyunikeshon and Oyohen published
Tasuku Be-su de Manabu Nihongo Chukyu 1 and Chukyu 2 published
Company's 50th anniversary and 25th anniversary of Minna no Nihongo's publication
Nihongo Kyoshi o Mezasu Hito no Tame no Sumoru Suteppu de Manabu series published