Minna no Nihongo Shokyu Dai 2-Han Yasashii Sakubun Minna no Nihongo Elementary Second Edition Composition Workbook

This book has been designed to enable people even at the beginner stage to write coherently in basic Japanese. The book is divided into two parts: Basic Practice (Units 1-15), which uses the vocabulary and sentence patterns found in Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I and II Main Texts, and Practical Application (Units 16-20), which involves practical application at a level equal to the beginning of the intermediate stage.

The book comes with a separate booklet at the back that includes word lists in English, Chinese and Korean, a flow chart showing the structure of the desired piece of writing, exercise answers, and a Teacher's Manual.

Though produced for use with the Minna no Nihongo, it can also be used with other beginner textbooks.

Minna no Nihongo Shokyu Dai 2-Han Yasashii Sakubun

Minna no Nihongo Shokyu Dai 2-Han Yasashii Sakubun Minna no Nihongo Elementary Second Edition Composition Workbook

  • Written by: 
    Kaoru Kadowaki, Kaoru Nishiuma
  • Price: 1,320 yen (tax included)

  • Book size: B5
  • Number of pages: 123

    Separate volume: 35 (別冊)

  • ISBN: 9784883196906

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  • amazon
  • 楽天ブックス

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  • 凡人社
  • 大谷書店
  • そうがくしゃ
  • 日本語ブックス

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