Nihongo Shokyu 2 Daichi Bunkei Setsumei to Honyaku Chugokugoban Daichi - Elementary Japanese 2 Translation of the Main Text and Grammar Notes - Chinese
This is the Translation and Grammar Notes to be used with Daichi Main Text 2. The book provides a translation of the conversation and new vocabulary presented in each chapter of the Main Text as well as notes on the grammatical items studied.
Nihongo Shokyu 2 Daichi Bunkei Setsumei to Honyaku Chugokugoban Daichi - Elementary Japanese 2 Translation of the Main Text and Grammar Notes - Chinese
Price: 2,200 yen (tax included)
eBooks: Please check the price at each eBooks store.
- Book size: B5
- Number of pages: 156
- ISBN: 9784883195305