Migake! Komyunikeshon Sukiru Chujokyu Gakushusha no Tame no Burasshu Appu Nihongo Kaiwa Brush Up Your Communication Skills in Japanese - Japanese Conversation for Intermediate to Advanced-level Learners

In order to communicate smoothly, it not only takes grammar, but also knowledge of the most appropriate words in the relevant situation. Even if you can clearly convey your thoughts and intentions, if you do so in such a way that it hurts the feelings of the listener, having a negative impact on your relationship, this cannot be said to be successful communication. This book is structured in such a way that it gives the learner the opportunity to study in a systematic and efficient manner the most appropriate usage of Japanese words and expressions, enabling the learner to convey his/her thoughts and intentions while maintaining warm relations with the listener.

Unit 1 Asking for permission
Unit 2 Making requests
Unit 3 Making apologies
Unit 4 Extending invitations
Unit 5 Making offers
Unit 6 Giving advice
Unit 7 Making complaints
Unit 8 Offering compliments

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    Migake! Komyunikeshon Sukiru Chujokyu Gakushusha no Tame no Burasshu Appu Nihongo Kaiwa Onsei

Migake! Komyunikeshon Sukiru Chujokyu Gakushusha no Tame no Burasshu Appu Nihongo Kaiwa

Migake! Komyunikeshon Sukiru Chujokyu Gakushusha no Tame no Burasshu Appu Nihongo Kaiwa Brush Up Your Communication Skills in Japanese - Japanese Conversation for Intermediate to Advanced-level Learners

  • Edited by: 
    Takafumi Shimizu
  • Price: 2,420 yen (tax included)

  • Book size: B5
  • Number of pages: 180

    Separate volume: 37 (教師のみなさんへ・語彙リスト・解答)

  • CD: 1 CD

  • ISBN: 9784883196555

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