Chukyu o Manabo Nihongo no Bunkei to Hyogen 56 Chukyu Zenki Dai 2-Han | スリーエーネットワーク

Chukyu o Manabo Dai 2-Han Nihongo no Bunkei to Hyogen 56 Chukyu Zenki Studying at the Intermediate Level - Second Edition 56 Japanese Sentence Patterns and Expressions - Lower Intermediate

This is a revised edition of the general lower intermediate Japanese textbook Studying at the Intermediate Level: 56 Japanese Sentence Patterns.

This book follows on from Chukyu e Iko Dai 2-Han (Getting to the Intermediate Level – Second Edition), and aims at the learner being able to converse about general matters and abstract themes as well as read and write various types of material. In addition to this, this second edition has been revised with the aim of cultivating the learner’s reading skills and increasing his/her vocabulary at the intermediate level.

Major revision points:

1. Partial changes to the text
Words and expressions have been changed and content added without changing the basic themes.

2. Partial changes to the sentence patterns under study
The study items and order of presentation have been rearranged. However, there are no major changes.

3. A list of the items under study has been added.
At the beginning of the book is now a list of the contents of each chapter, the items to be studied, themes to be written about, and extra themes in the Plus Alpha (something extra) section.

4. Changes to the structure of each chapter:
Original Edition ⇒ Second Edition
◉Introductory page ⇒ ◉Introductory page
◉Text ⇒ ◉Text *1
◉New Vocabulary ⇒ ◉Let’s Confirm the Words *2
◉Practice of New Vocabulary ⇒ ◉Let’s Confirm the Content (NEW!) *3
◉Study Items ⇒ ◉Study Items *4
Explanation of Grammar and Example Sentences
◉Practice of Study Items ⇒ ◉Practice of Study Items *5
Basic and Applied Practice; Let’s Read, Let’s Listen, & Let’s Write
◉Check Sheet (NEW!) *6
◉Listening Comprehension ⇒ ◉Listening Comprehension Check Sheet
◉Composition ⇒  ◉Composition
◉Plus Alpha ⇒ ◉Plus Alpha
Wider Learning Related to the Text

*1. The audio on the CD accompanying the original edition was recorded at a slower speed; the audio in this book has been changed to a more natural speed.

*2. The original edition’s “New Vocabulary” and “Practice of New Vocabulary” sections have been combined and changed into “Let’s
Confirm the Words.” The exercises have been changed to confirm the basic meaning and appropriate collocation of the vocabulary. The
practice of derivative vocabulary in the original edition is now dealt with at the end of each chapter in the “Plus Alpha” section.

*3. A “Let’s Confirm the Content” section has been added, so the learner can confirm his/her comprehension of the text. To get to the gist of problems, there are exercises requiring close reading.

*4. In the original edition, there was as a separate volume entitled “List of Study Items,” which provided simple explanations in English, Chinese and Korean. This has been moved to the “Study Items” page in the main part of the book.

*5. Part of the “Let’s Read” section in the “Practice of Study Items” section has been changed to “Let’s Listen” and provides an increased amount of listening comprehension practice.

*6. A check sheet is now included to confirm the learner’s comprehension of what has been studied. Ten two-choice questions are provided on the page, and take about five minutes each to solve.

5. A Vietnamese translation is now included.
There is now a Vietnamese translation of the simple grammar and usage explanations, as well as the “New Vocabulary” section, which is in a separate volume at the back of the book. The book now comes translation into four languages (English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese).

6. A “Kanji Practice” section has been added to the end of the book.
Of the kanji used in this book, 80 N5 kanji and 169 other kanji were previously studied in Chukyu e Iko Dai 2-Han (Getting to the Intermediate Level – Second Edition). In this book, N4 kanji and higher are studied. The book was created so that the kanji that appear in the text can be read without kana readings and kanji exercises are presented to study related terms. One hundred and ninety three kanji are studied in the book, with between 20 and 32 new kanji appearing in each chapter. There are about 30 practice exercises.
7. A “Teacher’s Guide” and “General Questions” can be found in the Supplementary Teaching/Study Materials below.
① The “Teacher’s Guide” provides notes and activity tips when teaching each section of the book. Sample questions are also provided to confirm whether the text is comprehensively understood. ②The “General Questions” are provided online, and can be used for final exams. ③The audio content on the accompanying CD can also be listened to on PC or smartphone.

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Supplementary teaching/study materials

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    Chukyu o Manabo Nihongo no Bunkei to Hyogen 56 Chukyu Zenki Dai 2-Han Onsei

Chukyu o Manabo Nihongo no Bunkei to Hyogen 56 Chukyu Zenki  Dai 2-Han

Chukyu o Manabo Dai 2-Han Nihongo no Bunkei to Hyogen 56 Chukyu Zenki Studying at the Intermediate Level - Second Edition 56 Japanese Sentence Patterns and Expressions - Lower Intermediate

  • Written by: 
    Etsuko Hirai, Sachiko Miwa
  • Price: 2,420 yen (tax included)

  • Book size: B5
  • Number of pages: 188

    Separate volume: 75

  • CD: 1 CD

  • ISBN: 9784883197880

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  • 大谷書店
  • そうがくしゃ
  • 日本語ブックス

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