Shinso-Ban Basic Japanese for Students Hakase 1 Ryugakusei no Nihongo Shokyu 45 Jikan Basic Japanese for Students Hakase 1 - New Edition
A practical conversation text for foreign students
Aimed at postgraduate students and researchers, here is a beginner text that will provide an effective learning outcome in the short period of 45 hours. While building up the learner's knowledge of beginner-level grammatical items, the book also covers interviews, presentations, as well as role-play activities, all relevant and useful to the daily life of a post-graduate student. The conversations and exercises are presented in kanji and kana (with furigana readings) plus Romanized letters, as well as with translation into English. Grammar and usage explanations are given in English.
There are two books in the series: Hakase 1 and Hakase 2. They have 15 chapters each and come with a CD. Each CD includes example sentences, conversations, and new vocabulary (in Japanese only).
Shinso-Ban Basic Japanese for Students Hakase 1 Ryugakusei no Nihongo Shokyu 45 Jikan Basic Japanese for Students Hakase 1 - New Edition
Price: 2,200 yen (tax included)
- Book size: B5
- Number of pages: 177
CD: 1 CD
- ISBN: 9784883194056