Ryugakusei no Tame no Janarizumu no Nihongo - Shinbun/Zasshi de Manabu Juyo Goi to Hyogen - Journalistic Japanese for International Students Studying Essential Words and Expressions in Newspapers and Magazines
Here is a text for the study of journalistic expressions actually used in newspaper and magazine articles, such as 「首相の思惑は空振り・・・(shusho no omowaku wa karaburi...)」, 「雀の涙ほどの天然資源を・・・(suzume no namida hodo no tennen no shigen o...)」,「 企業にとって耳が痛い声ほど有益で・・・(kigyo ni totte mimi ga itai hodo yuekide...)」 and 「海外の企業は安さを武器に日本市場に・・・(kaigai no kigyo wa yasusa o buki ni Nihon shijo ni...)」. Through studying about 15 expressions in 122 articles, the learner can grasp the idiomatic and original meaning of idiomatic expressions, comprehend such abbreviated expressions as 生保(生命保険)(seiho [seimei hoken]) and ベア(ベースアップ)(bea [beisu appu]), and come to understand the background to such historically and socially important expressions as 「三種の神器」(Sanshu no Jingi), 「団塊の世代」(Dankai no Sedai), etc., and thereby extend his/her knowledge of the language to support his/her reading skills.
Ryugakusei no Tame no Janarizumu no Nihongo - Shinbun/Zasshi de Manabu Juyo Goi to Hyogen - Journalistic Japanese for International Students Studying Essential Words and Expressions in Newspapers and Magazines
Price: 2,200 yen (tax included)
- Book size: B5
- Number of pages: 130
Separate volume: 7 (解答)
- ISBN: 9784883197156