Made to accompany Shin Nihongo no Kiso I, this workbook is a basic collection of exercises and problems devised to confirm, consolidate and reinforce what has been learnt. It can also be used as collections of problems for mid-study tests or final exams.

Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Hyojun Mondaishu

  • Edited by: 
    3A Corporation
  • Price: 908 yen (tax included)

  • Book size: B5
  • Number of pages: 68

    Separate volume: 13 (解答)

  • ISBN: 9784883190010

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  • amazon
  • 楽天ブックス

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  • 凡人社
  • 大谷書店
  • そうがくしゃ
  • 日本語ブックス

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