Hitoride Manaberu Hiragana Katakana Betonamugo-Ban Audio Files
Study aid tools
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For those who do not have a CD player, the audio of the CD is also available in mp3 file format.
Please download the mp3 files or stream the audio content.
※Please note that telecommunication charges may be incurred when downloading files or streaming content.
File size | File format | Track number | Price for bulk purchases |
38.95MB | MP3 | 108 | - |
- Free
- Batch download
[0] Trước khi bắt đầu học
Click the "Play" button below to open the player.
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.68MB | MP3 |
3 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[1] あ い う え お
Click the "Play" button below to open the player.
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
452.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[2] か き く け こ、が ぎ ぐ げ ご
Click the "Play" button below to open the player.
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.72MB | MP3 |
7 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[3] さ し す せ そ、ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
859.0KB | MP3 |
3 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[4] た ち つ て と、だ ぢ づ で ど
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.49MB | MP3 |
6 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[5] な に ぬ ね の
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
462.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[6] は ひ ふ へ ほ、ば び ぶ べ ぼ、ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
2.41MB | MP3 |
9 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[7] ま み む め も、や ゆ よ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
790.0KB | MP3 |
4 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[8] ら り る れ ろ、わ、を、ん
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.67MB | MP3 |
6 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
Bài thi 2
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
966.0KB | MP3 |
1 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[9] Trường mẫu âm
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.47MB | MP3 |
4 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[10] Viết chữ nhỏ っ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.04MB | MP3 |
3 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[11] きゃ、きゅ、きょ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
2.83MB | MP3 |
8 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[12] Cách sử dụng は、へ、を trong câu Bài thi 3
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
3.02MB | MP3 |
7 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
Bài thi 3
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.48MB | MP3 |
1 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[13] ア イ ウ エ オ 、ン
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
329.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[14] カ キ ク ケ コ、ガ ギ グ ゲ ゴ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
495.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[15] サ シ ス セ ソ、ザ ジ ズ ゼ ゾ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
540.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[16] タ チ ツ テ ト、ダ ヂ ヅ デ ド
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
564.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[17] Trường mẫu âm
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.12MB | MP3 |
4 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[18] ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
444.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[19] ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ、バ ビ ブ ベ ボ、パ ピ プ ペ ポ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
645.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[20] “Tsu” viết nhỏ ッ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.21MB | MP3 |
4 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[21] マ ミ ム メ モ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
437.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[22] ラ リ ル レ ロ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
454.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[23] ヤ ユ ヨ、ワ、ヲ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
441.0KB | MP3 |
2 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
Bài thi 5
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
2.14MB | MP3 |
1 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[24] キャ、キュ、キョ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
1.23MB | MP3 |
4 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[25] Viết nhỏ ァ・ィ・ゥ・ェ・ォ
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
2.15MB | MP3 |
5 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
Bài thi 6
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
827.0KB | MP3 |
1 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free
[26] Luyện tập tổng hợp
File size | File format | Track number | Price |
3.59MB | MP3 |
5 | - |
- Registration not required
- Free